What happens on completion?


A resale transaction takes about 8 weeks (from the date of HDB’s acceptance of the resale application) to complete.

Buyers will be informed of the completion date in the completion letter, and to attend a completion appointment at HDB Hub.

Before completing the resale transaction,

The buyers have to:

i) Inspect the resale flat to check that vacant possession will be delivered by the sellers on completion; and

ii) Pay the balance of the purchase price (if any) with Cashier’s Order or NETS.

Agents are required to make a statutory declaration in the prescribed Agent Statutory Declaration form in the presence of a Commissioner for Oaths at the HDB Resale Office and submit it to HDB at the completion appointment.



On the day of completion of the resale at the Resale Office, the sellers and buyers shall submit the original Option to Purchase to HDB. The sellers have to produce evidence of payment of service and conservancy charges and property tax. The buyers have to produce the receipt for the final cash payment (if any). If the buyers have obtained a loan from HDB, he is to produce a valid Certificate of Insurance for a Mortgage Fire Insurance Policy on the resale flat issued by HDB’s appointed Insurer.

Buyers will sign the legal instruments for the transfer of ownership, mortgage, the relevant forms and undertakings, and the sellers will hand over the keys of the flat to the buyers.

For resale applications where private solicitors are acting for both the seller and the buyer, the solicitors will arrange for the resale completion and handover of keys at their own convenience and to inform HDB once the resale has been completed.

Click on the FAQ below to find out more

For buyers taking an HDB loan, the completion timing can be in the morning (between 10am to 12pm) or afternoon (between 3pm to 5pm). For buyers taking a bank loan, the completion timing will be in the afternoon (between 3pm to 5pm). Sellers and buyers will be notified of the completion timing nearer to the completion date.

If all the documents have already been endorsed at the HDB Resale Portal, only the flat sellers and buyers need to attend the completion appointment. However, if they have engaged the services of a private solicitor to act for them in the transaction or appointed a Power of Attorney to represent them, a representative from the solicitor’s firm or the attorney will attend the appointment on their behalf. Family members who are not able to endorse any documents online will also be called to attend the completion appointment to personally sign them.

Buyers must bring the following when they attend the resale completion:

– Identity card of all buyers.

– Spouse’s passport and long term social visit pass/work permit if the spouse is not a Singapore citizen nor Singapore permanent resident.

– Receipt to show that the balance purchase price and outstanding fees, if any, have been paid in full.

– The Mortgage Fire Insurance Policy certificate if the buyers are taking an HDB housing loan.

HDB will send an SMS to inform the sellers and buyers once the resale completion is scheduled. The completion date and time will also be available on the HDB Resale Portal.

A completion appointment is a date scheduled by HDB for the buyer and seller to complete the resale transaction. During this appointment, the following takes place:

  • The buyer submits his/her completed GIRO form (if he/she is getting a loan from HDB and paying the monthly loan instalments in cash).
  • The Resale Officer apportions the last payment of service and conservancy charges and property tax between the buyer and seller according to the completion date.
  • The buyer signs the mortgage instrument (if applicable).
  • The buyer receives the keys from the seller.
  • The Resale Officer gives the buyer a letter confirming ownership that will enable him/her to apply for a renovation permit and electricity, water and gas supply.

Please see Completion Appointment for more information.

If you have appointed Power of Attorney to act on your behalf, you will complete the necessary documentation on the resale completion. This includes the signing of legal documents. You will also have to make a statutory declaration that the Power of Attorney is still valid.

Please see Power of Attorney for more information.

As the date given in the acceptance letter is already the earliest possible date to complete your transaction, it would not be possible to advance the completion date. Nevertheless, if you would like to defer the completion, please send us a written confirmation signed by both the sellers and the buyers agreeing to the new date. You may email the written confirmation to us at hdbresale@mailbox.hdb.gov.sg within a week from the date of the HDB’s acceptance letter.

No. It is an infringement of HDB rules and regulations if the seller allows the buyer to move into the flat before the resale completion. The buyer becomes the legal owner of the flat only when both the seller and buyer have signed the relevant legal documents and the keys of the flat are handed over to him upon resale completion.

As the solicitor acting for the buyer, HDB will transfer the CPF savings from your Ordinary Account to HDB as stakeholder and prepare the relevant legal documents for the processing of resale transaction.

The payment advice will be made available on the HDB Resale Portal. You will need to print a copy and bring it along for payment before you meet up with our CRM.

All buyers who are buying the resale flat under the Fiance/Fiancee scheme must solemnise their marriage within 3 months after the resale completion. This is regardless whether they are applying for the CPF Housing Grant and/or the Proximity Housing Grant.

If their marriage is registered in Singapore, they need not submit a copy of their marriage certificate to HDB.

If their marriage is not registered in Singapore, they would have to submit a copy of their marriage certificate to their HDB Branch.